Universities undergo accreditation and quality assurance processes by the bodies of higher education institutions that supervise each other. The Council of Higher Education has conducted the accreditation and quality assurance process in Turkish universities in Turkey since the ‘80s. The Council authorizes the higher education institution to award degrees that will be recognized in all parts of the world according to the authority it takes from international higher education institutions. 

Through quality assurance, the Council of Higher Education in Turkey makes sure that the education and the related services that the higher education institution provides meet the standards that have been designated by national and international authorities. This quality assurance takes place through the Institutional External Evaluation Program, which is conducted by the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council that works with other international higher education institutions. The universities that complete the program successfully can award diplomas and degrees that are recognized all over the world for five years. Each university takes the program every five years.


·       Internationally recognized higher education systems.

·       Degrees and diplomas that are recognized by other universities all over the world.

·       The Council of Higher Education in Turkey accredits and supervises the higher education institutions.

·       International quality assurance standards that universities in Istanbul meet.

·       Each university must be working to enhance their ways thanks to the quality assurance program every five years.

Studying at a university in a foreign land is a long and probably hard process, but it also shows your durability and quality. Suppose you can apply to a higher education program in a foreign country. In that case, it is because the higher education institutions that work hard for universities to offer education above a certain degree all over the world. Every country has bodies that accredit the higher education institutions per other institutions in the international area. This body is the Council of Higher Education in Turkey, and it works for universities so that these institutions will improve daily. 

The Council of Higher Education in Turkey is responsible for the quality assurance of the universities, and it supervises these universities through the Institutional External Evaluation Program, which is conducted by the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council. This program is applied by all universities every five years to show how they have improved themselves. After the quality assurance is completed, the university can award its students who graduated from a program with degrees and diplomas that will be recognized worldwide

Frequently Asked Question

Are the degrees that the universities in Turkey offer recognized in other parts of the world?
The Council of Higher Education has accredited almost all universities in Turkey in Turkey.
How does the quality assurance process go for the universities in Turkey?
The Council of Higher Education in Turkey is responsible for the quality assurance of the universities, and it supervises these universities through the Institutional External Evaluation Program, which is conducted by the Turkish Higher Education Quality Council. This program is applied by all universities every five years to show how they have improved themselves.
Who gives the authority to accredit other universities?
International higher education institutions get together from time to time so as to determine the standards for quality assurance, which result in accreditation.