A company that took responsibilities among a lot of the small details to make easier for the traveler to go around. They are located at Beyoğlu Taksim in the middle of the European side. They have a complete website to choose between their valuable services. They have some associated hotels as well to go further and make the reservation directly. The luggage storage service is our topic mainly, they have different types of reservations divided into daily, weekly and monthly. It is worth to mention that luggage storage is FREE for their hotel guests up to 2 weeks for 2 luggages. You can hire someone also from the website to do an airport transfer, which is a basically one of them will come to the airport to pick you up to your destination without wasting your time or getting lost in the airports. You can also book for some daily tours like the Bosphorus tour or Istanbul Old Town tour. They have a food guide too. They won a couple of awards for their amazing work and services, for instance they won a perfection award from, a super host award from and a creativity award too!
Bagaj (Bagage):

Bagaj is a mobile based locker service that has locker in many locations that users can rent via their mobile phone for a duration of time that the user specifies. It is quite easy though, all you need to do is activate your location services, open the app, and search for the nearest lockers available and choose them, the payment will be calculated depending on the duration you may choose. The payment can be payed via the credit card and it may vary depending on the locker’s size and the duration. They have a nice system, so for example if a customer exceeds the duration, they specified and payed for, the locker will no longer lock/unlock unless you open the rental lockers from the application and do the transaction. And you can easily restore the locker’s passcode if you forget it from the menu using your information. Setting the four-digit passcode is easy, all you have to do is dialing the 8-digit code on your lock, press *. When the green light is blinking dial a 4-digit code of your choice and wait for few seconds. Now your digit code is set. Dial your 4-digit code, press * and turn the knob to the left to unlock and turn to the right to lock it again, how simple is that!
They have different types of lockers, regular, Large, X Large, suitcase, large suitcase, X Large suite case and boxy. Boxy is a safebox which is beach version of Bagaj Lockers. Boxy is attached to sun ambarellas and keeps your valuables safe while you enjoy your day at the beach! Quite amusing. Paying attention to the smallest details and digging to the smallest problems and giving good solutions is so important nowadays.