But don't be intimidated by this situation because you can easily find a solution to every emergency in Istanbul. Suppose you become ill or are experiencing a problem such as losing your passport. In that case, it is in your best interest to consult these local services. Let's give you general information about the local service and emergency points that you need to know in your emergencies.
Hospitals and Emergency Departments

There are many public hospitals and private hospitals in Istanbul, and emergency services departments of hospitals work 24/7. One of the most important things you need to know about Istanbul is that the city is quite crowded and lively. However, Turkey's healthcare sector is far ahead of many world countries. In this sense, many foreigners come to Turkey for health purposes. Therefore, you can ensure that the local hospital services, especially in developed cities such as Istanbul, meet your urgent needs quite well.
It may make it easier for you to make an appointment before visiting hospitals or obtain general information based on doctors and hospitals before. But if you are faced with a severe health condition and are not in a position to wait for an appointment, you need to go to the emergency rooms open 24/7. In cases where you have urgent health problems, call the 112 Emergency department, and an ambulance will arrive at the point where you are located. You will be transferred to the emergency rooms closest to you. If you are going to come to the city for the first time, you should look at the emergency service numbers while doing research about Istanbul.
If you want to apply to local health-related services other than hospitals, you can also apply to private polyclinics in your city. These units are small hospitals that have been established related to health, and there are general practitioners. When conducting health-related research about Istanbul, you can often come across private polyclinics. To take advantage of these local services, you can communicate by researching and making an appointment via the Internet.

Pharmacies are local professional services that you can reach more efficiently in any health-related emergency compared to hospitals. In cases that do not involve serious health problems such as headaches, nausea, or blood pressure drop, you can take advantage of pharmacies that you can find on almost every corner in Istanbul. Having general information about pharmacies' opening and closing times and finding out which days you can reach these places makes you more peaceful on your trips. Sunday Saturdays, except Sunday, these local services operate for six days, including Saturday. Opening hours are between 9 am and 7 pm, but you can also find pharmacies that work late.
These local services are mostly located next to hospitals, but their distance to living quarters is also quite reasonable. Even if you stay in a hotel, at home, or in a hostel and are not close to the hospital, it will not be challenging to get to pharmacies. You can use the Internet to get information about pharmacies on duty in Istanbul, and you can meet your urgent needs.
Local Services of Security

Police stations are one of the most important and necessary local services to be contacted in security-related emergencies. To give general information about the management of these police centers, police stations prevent criminal behavior, take actions to protect the safety of people's lives and property, and act according to public applications. There are police stations in Istanbul that respond to emergency situations in all provinces.
If you suspect a criminal situation related to any situation, you will first contact the nearest police local center by calling 155. But you can also submit your complaints or situations that you want to consult about security to the police stations located in the county where you are located. Moreover, it is quite easy and essential to reach these local centers in cities such as Istanbul because police stations are one of the important places where you should consult about issues related to foreigners, such as passports problems and residence permits.
Security-related centers and issues are some of the important issues that you should get general information about when you collect information about Istanbul.
Examples of Gendarmerie organizations can be given to local centers related to security outside of police centers. To provide general information about the gendarmerie organization centers, these centers ensure the safety and security of the public and take action on crimes committed. If you are faced with an urgent security problem, you can send your complaints by contacting the 156 emergency gendarmerie line. You can easily access the Gendarmerie Command centers located in Istanbul by researching on the Internet.
Also, Provincial Migration Administrations in each province also provide advice on the passport, residence, entry, and exit of foreigners and provide language support. These local services provide a very important consultation for every foreigner who has come to Turkey and directs them, so these services are essential for the sake of security. You can reach the Foreigners Contact Center by calling hotline 157, or you can get general information directly from the Provincial Migration Administrations.
Frequently Asked Question
How to get help with a passport in Istanbul?
You can contact the number 157 and get help in your own language if you are having trouble in the city.
What are emergency services in Istanbul?
There are many private and state hospitals in Istanbul that you can visit any time of the day.
What is the ambulance service number in Istanbul?
112 is the number of health services and emergencies in Turkey.
What is the number of police departments in Istanbul?
155 is the number you should call if you want to reach out to the police forces in Istanbul.
What are the pharmacy working hours in Istanbul?
Pharmacies work from 8 AM to 7 PM, but after this hour, night pharmacies can be also found.