Turkish culture dates back quite a long time, and the works of Turkish history, religion, and the Turkish language will fascinate you, you must be sure. While discovering Istanbul, you can witness the magnificent historical monuments of Turkish and Ottoman culture in museums. Especially in popular cities of Turkey such as Istanbul, the density of tourists and foreign visitors is relatively high, so you can be sure that you will find many activities suitable for you.
Turkish Culture
Many cultures have influenced Turkish culture and have managed to survive by continuing its development over the centuries. The Turkish language, Turkish customs, and traditions, religious, culinary, and architectural traditions have also taken shape over these centuries, and a reasonably dense culture has emerged. Especially in a city like Istanbul, which has been the focus of different states for centuries, Turkish culture is located and seen at every point of the city.
One of the places where you can hear the Turkish language in the best way and observe the culture in the best way is undoubtedly the city of Istanbul. In addition to Istanbul's historical monuments dating back to the Ottoman Empire, you will be interested in the environments of artisans, such as the Grand Bazaar. This place has fascinating architecture and history, and it gives you the chance to encounter the sweet timbre of the Turkish language and daily Turkish.

Daily Turkish Words and Phrases
When you start to discover Istanbul, you will notice that you have suddenly adapted to everyday Turkish and have adjusted your ear. But before you begin this discovery, you must try to learn useful words that will prepare you for everyday life if you are thinking of starting a permanent life in Turkey. Even if you come to Turkey as a tourist, you may need to learn daily Turkish and useful words to use in events such as shopping, transportation, and accommodation. For this reason, we would like to share with you a few phrases and useful words that may help you in everyday life.
First of all, you can start with greetings consisting of a couple of words. While discovering Istanbul, shopping, or meeting Turkish people, using these words can make your daily life easier. You can adopt Turkish culture by adapting yourself to life by using these useful words for speaking Turkish daily. Here are these useful words:
Merhaba! (Standard greeting) - Hello
Selam! (Informal greeting)- Hi!
Günaydın! (Greeting used in the morning)- Good morning
İyi akşamlar! (Greeting used in the evening) - Good evening
İyi geceler! (Greeting used before going to bed or when leaving a place in the evening/night)- Good night
Nasılsın? (How are you?)
Teşekkürler! (Thanks!)
We think that it is pretty easy for you to say these useful words when you try to read them several times. After your ear has already become familiar with daily Turkish, you will hardly be able to forget these words. But you may also need to use some of the phrases and expressions found in daily Turkish, especially in your emergencies. We can list these sentences and expressions, as there are several examples:
Adınız nedir? (What is your name?)
Nerelisiniz? (Where are you from?)
Bir şikayette bulunmak istiyorum. (I want to file a complaint.)
Burada görevli kimdir? (Who is in charge here?)
Bu tamamen kabul edilemez! (This is completely unacceptable!)
Paramı geri istiyorum! (I want my money back!)
Burada bir saatten fazladır bekliyoruz. (We have been waiting for more than an hour.)
Turkish Language
According to research known around the world, 7000 different languages are spoken today. The Turkish language, an essential part of Turkish culture based on historical Central Asia, is one of the oldest languages spoken. The Turkish race has spread to different continents over its long history, and Turkic republics have appeared. For this reason, other than Turkey's Turkish, different Turkish languages are also spoken globally. It is believed that the number of people who speak these Turkic languages and are located in different countries is more than 130 million.
Although the Turkish language may seem difficult for foreigners at first, it is a language that you can fit into your logic compared to other languages and is easy to learn. For tourists and foreigners who want to learn Turkish, there are online training programs, as well as it is possible to take advantage of quality Turkish language courses in Turkey. Especially for foreigners who want to live permanently in Turkey, learning the Turkish language is very important for getting used to Turkish culture and adapting to life. After learning Turkish grammar, it will be very easy for you to master daily Turkish in the busy flow of life in cities such as Istanbul.
Frequently Asked Question
Do I have to know Turkish to visit Istanbul?
No, many shops and restaurants in tourist areas know English and Arabic.
How to say “what is your name” in Turkish?
What is your name in Turkish is called “Adınız nedir?”
How to say “Hello” in Turkish?
In Turkish, “hello” means “Merhaba.”
How to say “Good Morning” in Turkish?
You can say “Good Morning” in Turkish by saying “Günaydın”
How to say “My name is X” in Turkish?
You can say “Benim adım X” to introduce yourself in Turkish.