In recent years, the field of assisted reproductive technology (ART) has witnessed remarkable advancements, offering new hope to couples facing infertility challenges. Among these treatments, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) has emerged as a pioneering method, providing opportunities for couples to achieve their dream of parenthood. Infertility is a global concern, affecting millions of individuals and couples worldwide. According to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), infertility has a substantial impact on the lives of approximately 50 to 80 million women across the globe. This figure, however, might be a conservative estimate, as infertility's prevalence varies widely across regions and often goes unreported due to sociocultural factors and limited access to healthcare. 
With the global reach of infertility and the increasing acceptance of ART, many couples are now willing to explore IVF treatment beyond their home countries. Turkey, particularly Istanbul, has emerged as a preferred destination for individuals and couples seeking IVF treatments. Istanbul's status as a medical tourism hub, coupled with its top-notch healthcare infrastructure, has attracted people from various corners of the world. The city is home to numerous IVF clinics and fertility centers equipped with cutting-edge technology and a wide range of treatment options. Its strategic location provides ease of access for international patients, making Istanbul a compelling choice for those seeking IVF treatments abroad. 

The number of trips a foreign couple needs to make to Turkey for IVF treatment can vary depending on several factors, including the specific treatment plan, clinic protocols, and individual circumstances. Typically, foreign couples can anticipate at least two trips to Turkey for IVF treatment. The initial visit involves an essential consultation and assessment, where the medical team conducts a comprehensive evaluation, discusses the treatment plan, and performs necessary tests. This first trip allows couples to familiarize themselves with the healthcare providers, comprehend the treatment process, and make informed decisions regarding their IVF journey.

The second trip is dedicated to the actual IVF treatment cycle, encompassing ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer. This phase necessitates a stay of several days to a couple of weeks, depending on the treatment regimen. Couples are required to be in Turkey for crucial stages like egg retrieval and embryo transfer. However, some IVF clinics may propose tailored treatment plans that entail additional visits or monitoring appointments. Furthermore, advancements in IVF technology, such as embryo vitrification (flash-freezing), offer greater flexibility in treatment scheduling, potentially reducing the number of trips required. As a result, many individuals and couples are increasingly open to traveling abroad for IVF treatment, drawn by the promise of high-quality care and the potential for more affordable options. 

Cost of IVF Treatments in Turkey 

When considering the cost of IVF treatments in Turkey, it often stands out as a compelling factor for individuals exploring assisted reproductive technologies. Turkey is renowned for offering competitive prices for IVF procedures while maintaining high-quality care standards. This combination of cost-effectiveness and quality has positioned Turkey as a sought-after destination for those considering IVF treatments, making it a prime choice for individuals and couples seeking to overcome infertility challenges. Fill out the form below and get all the answers you need about the cost and the process for you. 

History of Fertility Treatments

The field of reproductive medicine has evolved rapidly over the centuries, with significant milestones shaping its landscape. In the 19th century, Marion Sims and Max Huhner made seminal contributions to our understanding of cervical secretions and fertility testing, respectively. I.C. Rubin introduced early methods for assessing tubal patency in the early 20th century. In 1935, Stein and Leventhal described polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a common cause of infertility, and developed a surgical treatment known as ovarian wedge resection.

The mid-20th century saw major advances in reproductive endocrinology, with the development of the radioimmunoassay (RIA) in the 1950s, enabling precise hormone measurement. This led to the development of fertility medications such as clomiphene citrate and human menopausal gonadotropins (hMGs) in the 1960s. Reproductive surgery also gained prominence during this time, with the introduction of new techniques for tubal repair and reconstruction.

The development of in vitro fertilization (IVF) in the 1970s revolutionized the field of reproductive medicine. The birth of Louise Joy Brown in 1978 marked the first successful IVF pregnancy, giving hope to millions of couples struggling with infertility. IVF has continued to advance in recent decades, with improved success rates and expanded treatment options. Today, it is a widely used and effective treatment for a variety of infertility conditions. From history to the modern era, couples trying to find answers to their fertility questions. If you have questions, just fill out the form below and you will be contacted by health professionals.

Factors Affecting Infertility

Human fertility is influenced by a variety of factors, including:

Age: Maternal age is the most significant factor affecting fertility, with women experiencing a natural decline in fertility after age 35. This is due to a decrease in the number and quality of eggs available. Paternal age also plays a role in fertility but to a lesser extent.

Timing of intercourse: Intercourse around ovulation is essential for conception. Couples who are trying to conceive should track their ovulation cycles using methods such as basal body temperature charting or ovulation predictor kits.

Lifestyle factors: Smoking, caffeine consumption, excessive alcohol use, and stress can all negatively impact fertility. A healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep, can improve fertility.

Occupational hazards: Certain chemicals and other workplace hazards can also impair fertility. Couples who work in industries with known fertility risks should take steps to protect themselves, such as wearing personal protective equipment and avoiding exposure to harmful substances.

Other factors that can affect fertility include:

Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and thyroid disorders, can all impact fertility.

Genetic factors: Some genetic conditions can also cause infertility.

Environmental factors: Air pollution and other environmental toxins can also reduce fertility.

Couples who are having difficulty conceiving should talk to their doctor about fertility testing and treatment options. With the help of reproductive medicine specialists, many couples can overcome infertility challenges and achieve their dreams of parenthood.

IVF Treatment Process 

In Turkey, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments are offered with advanced medical expertise and state-of-the-art facilities. The IVF process typically involves several key steps. It begins with initial blood tests and assessments to determine the individual's fertility status. Once the treatment plan is established, medications are administered to stimulate egg production in the female partner's ovaries. Following this, the crucial egg collection procedure takes place, where mature eggs are retrieved from the ovaries. In some cases, specialized IVF techniques like ICSI may be employed to enhance fertilization.

The retrieved eggs are then fertilized with sperm in a controlled laboratory environment, and the resulting embryos are monitored for development. The final stage involves the painless transfer of viable embryos into the uterus. Throughout the entire IVF journey, patients in Turkey receive comprehensive care and support, ensuring the best possible chance of achieving a successful pregnancy. 

Assessment Period and Blood Tests  

A thorough infertility workup is essential before designing a treatment plan. Over time, this process has evolved from lengthy, unreliable tests to a more streamlined approach that can be completed within a month. The initial interview with both partners is crucial, requiring 30-60 minutes to establish rapport and assess the need for evaluation. Objectives of this interview include determining if an evaluation is needed, educating the couple on reproductive function, identifying risk factors, discussing periconceptional care, assessing psychological stress, and outlining a treatment plan. Common causes of infertility, such as ovulatory dysfunction, tubal issues, endometriosis, and cervical factors, are considered. The modern evaluation includes: 

Cycle day 3 FSH/estradiol testing: Involves the assessment of the level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in your blood. and estradiol levels at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, typically on the day. 

Hysterosalpingography (HSG): An X-ray technique employed to observe the interior of the uterus and fallopian tubes. It's commonly utilized to assess potential blockages in the fallopian tubes and to determine if the uterus has a normal size and shape. 

Semen analysis: Assesses the vitality and quality of a man's sperm. Semen, the fluid expelled during ejaculation, contains sperm along with other substances like sugars and proteins. This analysis evaluates three key aspects of sperm health: sperm count, sperm morphology (shape), and sperm motility (movement). 

Starting Medications for IVF Treatments 

The initiation of medications in the context of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) represents a crucial phase aimed at optimizing the chances of a successful treatment cycle. These medications serve a strategic purpose: stimulating the ovaries of the female partner to produce a higher number of mature eggs, a key factor in IVF success. There are two primary categories of medications involved in this process. First, ovarian stimulation medications, which include gonadotropins like Follistim and Gonal-F, as well as human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG), work to prompt the ovaries to generate multiple eggs, surpassing the usual single egg release in a natural menstrual cycle. Second, hormonal suppression medications, such as GnRH agonists or antagonists, are administered to prevent premature ovulation and ensure precise timing for egg retrieval. The dosage and specific medication regimen are customized for each patient based on initial assessments and medical evaluations 

Egg Collection Procedure in IVF Treatment 

The egg collection procedure is a pivotal step in the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment process, and Istanbul, Turkey, is an ideal destination for this crucial aspect of fertility treatment. Istanbul boasts world-class IVF clinics and highly skilled medical professionals who specialize in performing egg collection with precision and care. During this procedure, mature eggs are gently retrieved from the ovaries using minimally invasive techniques, typically under sedation.  

ICSI: Specialized IVF in Turkey 

In Turkey, specifically in Istanbul, couples facing infertility challenges can benefit from specialized IVF treatments, including the innovative Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) technique. ICSI is a cutting-edge method used in conjunction with IVF to address male infertility issues where sperm quality or quantity is a concern. During ICSI, a single sperm is carefully selected and directly injected into an egg, enhancing the chances of fertilization. Istanbul's renowned IVF centers offer this specialized treatment with a high level of expertise and advanced laboratory facilities. This approach has revolutionized fertility treatments and has been a game-changer for couples struggling to conceive. It highlights the commitment of Istanbul's medical professionals to provide comprehensive and tailored solutions to individuals and couples seeking to start or expand their families. 

Embryo Development in IVF Treatments 

Following successful fertilization through techniques like Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), the resulting embryos are carefully monitored and cultured in a specialized laboratory environment. During this incubation period, embryologists assess the embryos' quality and progression, looking for signs of healthy development. The goal is to identify the most viable embryos for transfer into the female partner's uterus. Istanbul, Turkey, with its state-of-the-art IVF clinics and highly skilled embryologists.

Final Stage: Embryo Transfer in Turkey IVF 

The final stage of (IVF) treatment is the embryo transfer, a moment filled with hope and anticipation for couples seeking to start a family. In Istanbul, Turkey, renowned for its world-class IVF clinics, this procedure is conducted with precision and care. During the embryo transfer, one or more healthy embryos selected during the earlier stages of IVF are gently placed into the female partner's uterus. This delicate procedure is often painless and minimally invasive, offering a relatively comfortable experience for the patient. 

For precise pricing details tailored to your requirements and the qualifications of the medical professional you select, it is advisable to directly contact the IVF treatment clinics in Turkey. To receive a 10% discount and obtain accurate pricing information for your unique needs, please complete the form on the provided page. 

This article is not authored by a medical professional; however, it provides a concise overview of various medical procedures sourced from academic papers within the field of medicine. While it does not substitute for expert medical advice, it offers a valuable summary of the information found in scholarly literature, making it a useful resource for those seeking a general understanding of these medical procedures. It is essential to consult with qualified healthcare professionals for in-depth and personalized medical guidance.


  1. The Boston IVF Handbook of Infertility Third Edition Edited by Steven R Bayer Michael M Alper Alan S Penzias 
  2. Ethical and Legal Problems with Assisted Reproduction in Turkey by Omilr ELCIOGLU, Atilla YILDIRIM 

Frequently Asked Question

Are IVF systems allowed in Turkey?
Although it has some strict rules, the IVF systems are allowed in Turkey for married different-sex couples.
What are the success rates of IVF in Turkey, and how do they compare to other countries?
Turkey is one of the best countries in the IVF field. The success rate of IVF in Turkey is considerably higher than the average success rate in the World. Among younger patients aged 20-30, there is a notably high success rate ranging from 60% to 70%. However, this success rate experiences a decline, dropping to approximately 50% for those over the age of 35. Beyond the age of 40, the success rate further diminishes, reaching as low as 25%.
What are the legal and ethical aspects of IVF in Turkey?
Regulations are outlined as "By-law Concerning Treatment Centers for Assisted Procreation," established in 1987 and amended in 1996. IVF involves creating and maintaining embryos outside the body, strictly for health-related fertility treatment purposes. "Treatment Methods for Assisting Reproduction (TMAR)" aims to aid fertilization and embryo implantation, primarily for married couples. Both spouses must provide informed consent.
What are the costs associated with IVF in Turkey, including any potential insurance coverage or financial assistance?
The costs of IVF in Turkey can vary widely, but on average, a single IVF cycle may range from $2,000 to $5,000. It's essential to check with your insurance provider to see if any coverage or financial assistance is available for fertility treatments, as some policies may partially cover these expenses.
Is an IVF process in Turkey expensive?
The IVF clinics in Turkey offer very successful fertilisation processes for far cheaper prices than most of the countries as they generally charge a process below 5000 euros.
Are the IVF clinics in Turkey qualified enough to enable a good process?
The IVF clinics in Turkey are not only experts in their field, but also, they offer success rates that surpass the success rates of other western countries.